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Title: Position Change Request – Vacant Position

Process: Submit a Position Change Request for a Vacant Position
Objective: Formally request a change of position attributes that may impact compensation, to a vacant position.

POSITION MANAGEMENT Position Change Request





Notification (Email)


Complete Position Change Request form and attach required documentation.



Position change denied.

Position change notification.

*Administrative Official

Complete Position Change Request form and attach required documentation.

Validate Manager’s request includes all required documents.

Approve request.

Deny request. Add reason for denial.

Position denied.

Position change request notification.

Class and Salary Analyst

Reviews request. Adds Salary Plan/Grade and Job Code to request.

Approve request.

Deny request. Add reason for denial.


Class and Salary Manager

Validate request.

Approve request.

Deny request. Add reason for denial.


Budget Administrator

Validates request.

Approve request.

Deny request. Add reason for denial.

Vacant position, budget source is updated.


Position change request details and documentation attached and reviewed.

Position change request approved.

Position change request denied and notifications sent.



New budge source added to Position Data in CONNECT database.

Approval notifications sent.

Denial notifications sent.


* initiates process





Process Details

The change request will be result in HR processing and updating the definition to a position that is currently vacant. The objective of the process is to allow for Managers/Supervisors and Administrative Officials to electronically submit a request form and attach all required information.

For this process, the Manager/ Supervisor or Administrative official may initiate the request. They complete the Position Change Request for a Vacant Position online form and attach required documentation.  If the Manager initiates the request, the Administrative Official will validate the request, attach any additional documentation and approve the request.

The Administrative Official may also deny the request and include a reason. Notification is sent to the Manager of Administrative Official denial. Once approved by Administrative Official, the Class and Salary Analyst reviews and approves or denies the request and includes a reason.

On approval, the Class and Salary Analyst, adds the salary plan/grade and job code to the request. Notification is sent to Administrative Official and Manager upon denial. When approved the Class and Salary Manager will validate the request and approve or deny the request and include a reason.

The Budget Administrator will validate the request and approve or deny the request and include a reason. Upon approval by the Budget Administration the CONNECT system will update the position’s funding source and send email notification to the Manager/Supervisor, Administrative Official, and Class and Salary Analyst.


Knowledge and Skill Level: Each role has a certain level of responsibility in the process. Employees should aim at understanding the processes per their role and become skillful in applying their knowledge to complete transactions efficiently and with minimal errors. To guide you in understanding what your level of knowledge and skill to aim for based on your role refer to the table below. Also, below, is a table with descriptions for each level.


Position Management

1 = Fundamental

2 = Intermediate

Position Change Request

3 = Comprehensive


Knowledge and Skill Level



Administrative Official


Class and Salary Analyst


Class and Salary Manager


Budget Administrator






Fundamental – high-level understanding of process, basic ability to do tasks in CONNECT with some or no support, and may refer to a liaison for assistance.


Intermediate – full understanding of their individual role functions within a process and is proficient enough to operate effectively under minimal assistance. Has understanding of previous process tasks performed and the impact downstream.


Comprehensive – full understanding of process, related roles, activities and tasks performed to complete the process. Comprehensive ability of role functions within the process with no assistance. Ability to perform other tasks related to other roles within the process.